Fireworks on Canada Day. I make sure to set up my camera before the fireworks start and this always involves a few test shots to make sure the exposure is correct. I love a slow shutter speed, but it needs to be fast enough for handheld use. After that it's all about anticipation and enjoying the show. I try to avoid watching the show through the viewfinder.

I'm experimenting with black and white. I realized I wasn't taking photos with colour in mind so I'm trying to separate those two processes. I'm also trying to visualize what the photos will look like in black and white as I'm taking it.

I turned on manual focus and I've enjoyed the change, especially when shooting with shallow depths of field. The results are more predictable and it's nice not worrying about the autofocus missing its target.

I'm experimenting with low light and large areas of shadow. Previously I tried to lift shadows and maintain an even exposure which was probably to the detriment of some photos.

Portraits are tough for me. I get nervous and then the subjects get nervous shortly after. I've found taking them while standing to the side is less confrontational and more comfortable for everyone.

Suburban life. The sun low, the sprinklers on, and the end of day warmth. I think these memories from childhood have influenced my photography more than l realize.